Includes: Gregg the Grim Reaper host with fully written dialogue, judges (Great Mighty Poo, Von Kriplespac, Panther King, Don Weaso, and One Random Tediz as well as scoreboard SFX and picture), Conker player complete with all assignable event voices, Windy match music, and 230 voice clips separated by each chapter (which include matching pictures and subtitles for every single individual clip).
This is already V2.0 and will likely be the final version unless I notice any further typos or a full-on menu theme is made by someone else at some point. Otherwise thank you so much @YeahMaybe for creating this game and uploading the demo version to make customization so much easier, and for every one else I hope you enjoy the pack!
My mic works but record playback has no audio and when I play the game there is no audio along side the recording i've done. Live mic works though btw. Also I've found that godot exe dont like to load for me and I have to open the game via cmd
It's the game's biggest bug at the moment. From what I can tell so far, the Record effect on the player microphone doesn't work when using 3rd party audio software in Windows, although it could be more than that.
The spectrogram and live mic don't use the Record effect, so they still work, but the Record effect is responsible for your audio playback and saving your performance.
I know which pack all the memey stuff is in inc cdi stuff.
Join the discord link should be floating around on the choicer voicer page somewhere otherwise if u cant find the link let me know and I'll post it again
Hey there, just purchased the game and I'm having trouble. I've extracted the file and launched the Godot application, but it won't launch and just crashes. Any solutions?
Are you using older hardware? Also, did you test to see if the demo worked for you first, and if so, did the demo work while the full version does not?
i'm having the same problem, the demo was crashing so i thought maybe the full game would have that problem fixed, so i purchased it and all the versions crash as soon as i open them.
Some people have posted packs in this comments section, there's also an unofficial Discord server for the game somewhere in these comments. Vinny/Joel are probably also sent packs directly by their moderators.
I TOLD you I'd throw money at you when this came out. I wasn't joking, it was my most anticipated game of 2024, and I look forward to streaming it tonight.
And thanks to everyone who created voice packs, you guys are awesome too.
Playback with Logitech USB audio devices seems broken. Or at least my headset won't get playback on mic test, only "hear live mic" works. I can kinda confirm it because I connected it through the front audio jacks and it works fine now. though it sounds lik ass
Here's my packs: Featuring Pokemon Cries from both Anime AND the games (plan to add post 3DS Cries for Gen 1-5) and Pokemon Play It! Cries (Currently have no thumbnails WIP) I also included Vinemon Cries as well as a bunch of themed characters from Vinemon in it.
I also am going to add Pokemon Stadium 2 Cries and as they are unique enough to be added.
I'm noticing that if I download and install larger packs of clips, the audio clip selector prioritizes content from those larger packs.
Perhaps the algorithm could select a pack first, then choose a clip from that pack or one of the sub-packs inside so you're still likely to see smaller voice packs without disabling the bigger ones.
Yes, currently the only random selection option is a uniform randomization, which means very large packs will get picked more. A planned feature is randomization based on picking packs instead, but it's one of many features that still need to be implemented.
Windows defender just blocked this game from trying to get onto my laptop saying that its a "virus" should i be worried about it or nah? it says its classified as trojan
It's an unfortunate common problem with new and small programs, as Windows flags it as "unknown software," though now I am curious if other people have a warning classifying it the same as yours. Even when I downloaded it myself off Itch while doing tests of the store page, launching my own game from that would have Windows give me a software warning.
I got the same warning when I opened the game its probably because the game doesn't have a certified certificate and its being marked as a virus because it accesses the microphone, so windows is probably treating it as a pup.
Is it possible to add a switch or option in the settings to be able to listen to the original and recorded clip in different channels at the end of the round: the original in the left channel, and the recorded voice in the right channel?
That's actually a feature I've wanted, but only recently found a simple implementation for; so yes, I think I should be able to include that in an update soon.
While testing out the ps3 eyetoy mic (it is possible), i was receiving no input. In my sound settings, it shows that it is working perfectly fine. The os I'm using is windows 11.
I made a Simpsons voice pack, featuring 50 clips in total.There's voice clips from different characters, some funny noises, singing, memes. The clips are all free from any unneccessary silence and background noise (aside from one instance of a table slam, which can be reproduced using, well, a table). I also put unique pictures for each clip as well as subtitles.
Hiya! Just wanted to see if there was any progress made on the mic issue since I'm having some as well.
I'm on Windows 10 with a Blue Snowball and no other audio drivers or 3rd party software that would mess with audio. As other's have said it shows up in the live but doesnt show up in recording or playback. Happens regardless of the mic used as well. If there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot this further lemme know!
the customization menu says the game supports .ogg files, but i put a bunch of .ogg's into a pack and it says "No voices in this pack" even tho theres a bunch of files in there. do i have to convert them all to .wav or .mp3 or something?
I just looked into it, and it was a stupid mistake--lacking an if statement on one line of code. I've just fixed it and updated the .exe with said update, so it should be seeing those .ogg files now.
i redownloaded the customization menu and the .ogg files still didn't show up, but i did buy the full game and the files ARE showing up there and working perfectly. thank u for the fix!
Having a big issue with the game that I can't wrap my head around. My mic isn't being picked up in-game or when using the 'Record' button in the audio settings, however it IS picked up when using the 'hear live mic' setting.
On top of that, none of the waveforms are showing up for the voice clips in game. I can still hear their audio playing just fine, but there is no waveform to copy. Can't verify whether that stops me from being able to score anything due to the mic issue
I have tried disabling my mic software but to no avail, and have also tried multiple different packs, and both versions of the game.
EDIT: Just seen a bunch of other players have reported the same thing, so sorry to pile on another comment about the same issue. Hope you can figure this out, in the meantime I'll keep tweaking with it ;p
It's been a thorn in my side, yes. So the problem persists when you use your OS's default audio? Can you specify your OS, audio driver, and mic?
What's weird is that the microphone must be working with my "Player" Godot audio bus itself, but apparently not the AudioEffectRecord and AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer instances on that bus.
I've had reports of the Godot Engine not playing nice with some peoples' audio software. Do your mics use some kind of software as well, and what OS is it on? At least one person got it working by disabling their 3rd party software.
I'm very sorry that the mic settings aren't working properly. It's been frustrating, but I can only do so much when some of these are issues with the game engine itself.
EDIT: I think it was some bizarre encoding issue that happened, re-encoding through FFMPEG with silence removal seems to have fixed it.
I'm having a problem where some of my voice pack WAV files are having extra silence added onto them in-game, and then I get 0 scores due to background noise being picked up and being considered inaccurate to the added silence. They don't exist in the files themselves, I've checked in Audacity. Is this a known issue?
Downloaded the Linux version, and everything seems to be working correctly except for the audio clip length - the waveforms are cut off before the audio track ends, and this also applies to scoring and recording. System is running Arch Linux on KDE Plasma Wayland.
If you need further testing for the Linux version, let me know and I’d be happy to test any additional builds sent my way.
Edit: I just tried the Windows version within Proton 9.0-2, and the exact same bug is happening there as well, so it’s more likely to be a general game bug.
Thank you for the video example, that makes it much easier to understand. I'll look into it straight away.
Edit: Unfortunately I am not able to replicate the issue on my PC, but I did revert a few changes to the waveform sampler that I suspect may be the cause. I've just updated both instances of 0.4.12 with this reversion in case it is the cause.
If this change doesn't fix it, let me know if Windows 0.4.11 has the same issue, and if not I'll compare the changes.
Working perfectly for me, on Windows 10 with a Blue Yeti mic. Having a blast despite the embarrassment and looking forward to future updates, but personally most excited for pack-based clip selection bias! Also working on a voice pack that I may post later on. I could see this thing really blowing up!
← Return to game
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The public version of my (infamous) Conker's Bad Fur Day pack is now available at:
Includes: Gregg the Grim Reaper host with fully written dialogue, judges (Great Mighty Poo, Von Kriplespac, Panther King, Don Weaso, and One Random Tediz as well as scoreboard SFX and picture), Conker player complete with all assignable event voices, Windy match music, and 230 voice clips separated by each chapter (which include matching pictures and subtitles for every single individual clip).
This is already V2.0 and will likely be the final version unless I notice any further typos or a full-on menu theme is made by someone else at some point. Otherwise thank you so much @YeahMaybe for creating this game and uploading the demo version to make customization so much easier, and for every one else I hope you enjoy the pack!
My mic works but record playback has no audio and when I play the game there is no audio along side the recording i've done.
Live mic works though btw.
Also I've found that godot exe dont like to load for me and I have to open the game via cmd
I made a SSGV5 pack for the game:
One host (ShockHat734), five judges (Mad8Warrior, DltMA, HushMush, Proxy_toxi, IdrissIDK), a menu theme and studio overlay colors.
It will get updates, can be small or major ones.
heres i made a pack
Pog. Do you plan to make anymore BA content?
decided to test the game and apparently it lags when i start a game
also the player pov doesn't show up
Sorry if this question has been already asked, but, is there any fullscreen option?
It seems that ive got a fix for the Mic Issue! Unplugging the Receiver and ending Logitech Hub seems to have fixed the recording issue!
i can record but my playback doesnt play the sound, i can clearly see the sound waves being recorded, any advice?
having the same issue here, plus some gnarly looking visual glitches in the actual gameplay
Would you be able to send an email report showing examples of these visual glitches, as well as details about device you're using to play the game?
It's the game's biggest bug at the moment. From what I can tell so far, the Record effect on the player microphone doesn't work when using 3rd party audio software in Windows, although it could be more than that.
The spectrogram and live mic don't use the Record effect, so they still work, but the Record effect is responsible for your audio playback and saving your performance.
I have confirmed that the game works on a GameStop GS100 Wired Gaming Headset (the 16 dollar one)
does anyone have a YTP voice pack? i need one BADLY
Does CDI count?
of course it does
I know which pack all the memey stuff is in inc cdi stuff.
Join the discord link should be floating around on the choicer voicer page somewhere otherwise if u cant find the link let me know and I'll post it again
i'd be glad if you could post it here since i don't use discord
Hey there, just purchased the game and I'm having trouble.
I've extracted the file and launched the Godot application, but it won't launch and just crashes. Any solutions?
Are you using older hardware? Also, did you test to see if the demo worked for you first, and if so, did the demo work while the full version does not?
i'm having the same problem, the demo was crashing so i thought maybe the full game would have that problem fixed, so i purchased it and all the versions crash as soon as i open them.
Log message:
Godot Engine v4.2.stable.official.46dc27791 -
TextServer: Added interface "Dummy"
TextServer: Added interface "ICU / HarfBuzz / Graphite (Built-in)"
USER WARNING: GENERAL - Message Id Number: 0 | Message Id Name: Loader Message
windows_read_data_files_in_registry: Registry lookup failed to get layer manifest files.
Objects - 1
Object[0] - VK_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE, Handle 2620741090960
at: _debug_messenger_callback (drivers/vulkan/vulkan_context.cpp:264)
quick question, does anyone know where Vinny and Joel and getting all their packs, because I wanna download them but I have no idea where to go.
Some people have posted packs in this comments section, there's also an unofficial Discord server for the game somewhere in these comments. Vinny/Joel are probably also sent packs directly by their moderators.
Can also back this, "Simpsons voice pack" is seen in Vinny's latest Choicer Voicer video: Vinny - The Choicer Voicer (Early Access Version 0.4.13) (, so his moderators must be sending the packs to Vinny and Joel.
Do you know how to send packs to Vinny / moderators? Ty
Do you know how to send packs to Vinny / moderators? Ty
Did you put this on steam please?
I TOLD you I'd throw money at you when this came out. I wasn't joking, it was my most anticipated game of 2024, and I look forward to streaming it tonight.
And thanks to everyone who created voice packs, you guys are awesome too.
I have created a pack for the game! LINK:
It will be updated every now and then.
JUNE 25 2024 - 20 new voices added! Updated description.
JUNE 29 2024 - 20 new voices added!
bro why did you make the host sexy
Playback with Logitech USB audio devices seems broken. Or at least my headset won't get playback on mic test, only "hear live mic" works. I can kinda confirm it because I connected it through the front audio jacks and it works fine now.
though it sounds lik assI can now record using my mic but i cannot hear any sound from the playback
and if i change my mic settings while "live mic" is on it all stops working
Yeah, playback is not working
Here's a small pack of FF14 voice clips I threw together for one of my friends.
here is a pack of sonic voice lines, from official sonic media (including funny and weird ones from official sonic social media posts)
Here's my packs:
Featuring Pokemon Cries from both Anime AND the games (plan to add post 3DS Cries for Gen 1-5) and Pokemon Play It! Cries (Currently have no thumbnails WIP)
I also included Vinemon Cries as well as a bunch of themed characters from Vinemon in it.
I also am going to add Pokemon Stadium 2 Cries and as they are unique enough to be added.
That's an amazing pack. Thank you so much.
I'm noticing that if I download and install larger packs of clips, the audio clip selector prioritizes content from those larger packs.
Perhaps the algorithm could select a pack first, then choose a clip from that pack or one of the sub-packs inside so you're still likely to see smaller voice packs without disabling the bigger ones.
Yes, currently the only random selection option is a uniform randomization, which means very large packs will get picked more. A planned feature is randomization based on picking packs instead, but it's one of many features that still need to be implemented.
Did some custom stuff for some silly stuff relating to a band I am in, check it out if you wanna get very confused and concerned:
Windows defender just blocked this game from trying to get onto my laptop saying that its a "virus" should i be worried about it or nah? it says its classified as trojan
It's an unfortunate common problem with new and small programs, as Windows flags it as "unknown software," though now I am curious if other people have a warning classifying it the same as yours. Even when I downloaded it myself off Itch while doing tests of the store page, launching my own game from that would have Windows give me a software warning.
I got the same warning when I opened the game its probably because the game doesn't have a certified certificate and its being marked as a virus because it accesses the microphone, so windows is probably treating it as a pup.
I made an F-Zero voicepack and an asdfmovie voicepack
can't wait to see Vinny and Joel's reactions to these onesThese voice packs want me to access.
Forgot to set the share setting to "anyone with the link"
Should be fixed now
Is it possible to add a switch or option in the settings to be able to listen to the original and recorded clip in different channels at the end of the round: the original in the left channel, and the recorded voice in the right channel?
That's actually a feature I've wanted, but only recently found a simple implementation for; so yes, I think I should be able to include that in an update soon.
I was making a soundpack and when i was making different buttons, it dosent play the sound
While testing out the ps3 eyetoy mic (it is possible), i was receiving no input. In my sound settings, it shows that it is working perfectly fine. The os I'm using is windows 11.
will there be a steam release of this? doesn't have gift cards
I made a Simpsons voice pack, featuring 50 clips in total.There's voice clips from different characters, some funny noises, singing, memes. The clips are all free from any unneccessary silence and background noise (aside from one instance of a table slam, which can be reproduced using, well, a table). I also put unique pictures for each clip as well as subtitles.
On a side note, I tried playing this entire pack at once and the game crashed after clip #40.
edit: found out it was an issue with the image for the "lisa needs braces" clip. It should work fine now.
And here's a Simpsons judge pack as an added bonus.
Got a Corsair HS80 Wireless and the mic doesn't work (At least not right away*, not sure what I could still mess with other than the software).
Just a report on that one, I'm sure mic issues will work themselves out in the future <3
Hiya! Just wanted to see if there was any progress made on the mic issue since I'm having some as well.
I'm on Windows 10 with a Blue Snowball and no other audio drivers or 3rd party software that would mess with audio. As other's have said it shows up in the live but doesnt show up in recording or playback. Happens regardless of the mic used as well. If there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot this further lemme know!
im on a blue yeti pro with the same issue
the customization menu says the game supports .ogg files, but i put a bunch of .ogg's into a pack and it says "No voices in this pack" even tho theres a bunch of files in there. do i have to convert them all to .wav or .mp3 or something?
I just looked into it, and it was a stupid mistake--lacking an if statement on one line of code. I've just fixed it and updated the .exe with said update, so it should be seeing those .ogg files now.
i redownloaded the customization menu and the .ogg files still didn't show up, but i did buy the full game and the files ARE showing up there and working perfectly. thank u for the fix!
Having a big issue with the game that I can't wrap my head around. My mic isn't being picked up in-game or when using the 'Record' button in the audio settings, however it IS picked up when using the 'hear live mic' setting.
On top of that, none of the waveforms are showing up for the voice clips in game. I can still hear their audio playing just fine, but there is no waveform to copy. Can't verify whether that stops me from being able to score anything due to the mic issue
I have tried disabling my mic software but to no avail, and have also tried multiple different packs, and both versions of the game.
EDIT: Just seen a bunch of other players have reported the same thing, so sorry to pile on another comment about the same issue. Hope you can figure this out, in the meantime I'll keep tweaking with it ;p
It's been a thorn in my side, yes. So the problem persists when you use your OS's default audio? Can you specify your OS, audio driver, and mic?
What's weird is that the microphone must be working with my "Player" Godot audio bus itself, but apparently not the AudioEffectRecord and AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer instances on that bus.
I made a Vinesauce Joel pack if anybody is interested!
"You need access"
Dawg, set the general access to "anyone with the link" so people can actually download this pack.
im an idiot im sorry
I can't download it
fuck I didn't realize it was private aaaaaaa
game doesn't pick on my mic either the one on my wireless logitech headset or my shure hooked on elgat wave xlr !!!!
anyone with more than my below 2 digit iq that has the answer is welcome
I've had reports of the Godot Engine not playing nice with some peoples' audio software. Do your mics use some kind of software as well, and what OS is it on? At least one person got it working by disabling their 3rd party software.
I'm very sorry that the mic settings aren't working properly. It's been frustrating, but I can only do so much when some of these are issues with the game engine itself.
i have elgato wave xlr software to translate the xlr mic and my headset microphone go through logitech software, disbling any will shut them down!
i'll wait for a possible update for compatibility
The Scott The Woz Pack 2.0!.
EDIT: I think it was some bizarre encoding issue that happened, re-encoding through FFMPEG with silence removal seems to have fixed it.
I'm having a problem where some of my voice pack WAV files are having extra silence added onto them in-game, and then I get 0 scores due to background noise being picked up and being considered inaccurate to the added silence. They don't exist in the files themselves, I've checked in Audacity. Is this a known issue?
Downloaded the Linux version, and everything seems to be working correctly except for the audio clip length - the waveforms are cut off before the audio track ends, and this also applies to scoring and recording. System is running Arch Linux on KDE Plasma Wayland.
I recorded a video that shows this off:
If you need further testing for the Linux version, let me know and I’d be happy to test any additional builds sent my way.
Edit: I just tried the Windows version within Proton 9.0-2, and the exact same bug is happening there as well, so it’s more likely to be a general game bug.
I'm having the same issue on native Windows.
Thank you for the video example, that makes it much easier to understand. I'll look into it straight away.
Edit: Unfortunately I am not able to replicate the issue on my PC, but I did revert a few changes to the waveform sampler that I suspect may be the cause. I've just updated both instances of 0.4.12 with this reversion in case it is the cause.
If this change doesn't fix it, let me know if Windows 0.4.11 has the same issue, and if not I'll compare the changes.
The new build seems to fix it! Thanks for the quick turnaround.
Working perfectly for me, on Windows 10 with a Blue Yeti mic. Having a blast despite the embarrassment and looking forward to future updates, but personally most excited for pack-based clip selection bias! Also working on a voice pack that I may post later on. I could see this thing really blowing up!