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Resident Evil 4 (2005) voice pack:


Just finished creating a small pack for The Neverhood:

Includes: 12 voice clips with matching pictures and subtitles for each one :)


this looks rad, looking to pick up a copy.

i understand that you've recommended against purchase if linux is the only method of play as it's still in need of testing. 

how is compatibility on a steam deck? has anyone tried this before? asking as i'd like to bring mine with me on a holiday with friends and i think this'd make a great party game


decided to purchase anyway, works perfectly on the steam deck

can some please send the discord link to download packs for this


Here is my Jasonafex Shitpost Compilation!
Has a bit of everything, mostly mature memes.

3 Players:
• Jason
• Vergence
• Peacewolf

3 Judge sets:
• Jason's
• Verge's
• Joe Hendry's

3 Hosts:
• Jason
• Vergence
• Joe Hendry

200 Voices to play in total with full subtitles!


hi does trans ppl play this?


(1 edit)

yo really good game but how i can play with my friends? i tried on discord with my friends and the mic of my friend didnt get captured

Same issue, did you find a solution? 


Love this game lots-- so fun streaming it for friends. Do you think you could make it so you can weight individual packs when selecting All Packs (or just excluding packs when clicking all packs)? 

Some packs have over thousands of clips and while I want to use them because I love their themes, it inevitably biases the random selection to those packs just by virtue of sheer volume.


Apologies, I had that code for it, but then testing showed that it easily glitched, so I removed it and haven't returned to it since. I'll try to prioritize it soon.

No worries! Didn't realize you had already tried it out haha. Take your time! I understand dev work takes time, especially when bugs arise in a sort of hydra situation lol.

is this game multiplayer or is it solo only for now ?

For now, only solo and local multiplayer. No online capability in-game.

can someone post thje discord server link

BFDI Voice Pack (contains 1 clip from every single season 1 episode):

and a judge pack to go along with it:

can you make a host pack (i cant make my packs work

sure, here it is:

(1 edit)

Ryan Drummond Sonic pack
kept it down to 30 clips and did a mix of iconic lines, stuff that's kinda funny out of context, and variations of "whoa"


port it to steam 10/10

Mic works but can't hear playback of mic audio
Headset Logitech pro X

Windows 11

Game is really fun still and looking forward to future updates.


Does your headset use a logitech app, and have surround sound?

Yes it does. 

I tried turning the app off but it didn't help though. 

Who was the VA for the 5 basegame clips

The playback doesnt work for me, it records audio just fine but I cant hear the playback

I have the same issue, was working just fine the other day but now it's exactly what you described. Very strange indeed...

I made a small Deus Ex voice pack with character images and subtitles (it's my first pack I ever made).

You can download it here:

I had to adjust audio in Audacity because it blown out when I previewed it in-game. I hope it sounds audible -- I previewed it afterwards and it sounds good to me. If I made a mistake let me know.

Hope you like it! Have fun!! =]

Hey! I was wondering if this at the moment has localization support for translating the menus and stuff.

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At the moment, you can customize most of the Host dialoges

Translation support isn't something being worked on at this time, but I would like to have it in the future.


Made a Go!Animate voice pack for this game, so go ahead and check it out if you want

I'm having an issue where I can't add custom packs. When I extract from the zip file, the only thing that gets extracted is the executable. I can't even play the tutorial voice pack included by default.

The game data does exist, in AppData > Roaming > YeahMaybe. I have no idea why that happened. Another Itch game I downloaded, Voices of the Void, did not do that. I even tried moving those files, but when I started the game up again it acted as if it was a new copy, and all those files appeared in the same location again.


Just had a group play this at our game night. It was an absolute blast. Thanks YeahMaybe!

I can't believe this exists. It's sooooo good.

Made a Metal Gear Rising Revengeance voice pack! Features 59 clips from Raiden, Sam, Monsoon, Sundowner and Armstrong.

Yooooo let's go. You should join the discord and post that there I'm pretty certain there is some mgs fans there hehe


The one thing I hate about this is that it's a paid game, if Nintendo finds out you're profiting off a game that is a recreation of something they made, they will NOT be happy


fortunately copyright law doesn't work like that, even remotely...common misconception is that profit is the key, and it's not. it's a factor sometimes, but no, this game's doing absolutely nothing wrong even by nintendo's standards. phew!


In your world every shooter would not be allowed because call of duty makes sales


This is just flat-out embarrassing, even as a reader.



I made a smaller Robocop voice pack! Full of quotes from multiple characters, and funny lines from more obscure Robocop media. Feel free to use this as you wish!

Is there any plans for a Mac version? If not that's okay, because it sorta works on wine.

According to the description, yes it does! There’s experimental Linux support at the moment.

The BFDI Pack is release 

still W.I.P

(1 edit)

Hi! I downloaded this game recently, and the game directory folder didn't install at all. I cannot add any custom packs by anyone, and I'm unsure if that's an issue with the game or an itch error/option I may have selected long ago.

I tried both versions 0.4.12 and 0.4.13 on Windows 11.

My first assumption would be that your Windows 11 didn't allow the game to generate those folders. But that would probably have required you to change your preferences, if ones exist for preventing programs from doing that; without knowing anything else, this hasn't been an issue for other Windows 11 users.


I figured it out! No other game directory installed properly because of something on itch's end! In the rare instance that someone else has issues, here's a solution to the issue for Windows!

TL;DR: Uninstall the desktop app, and delete your itch folder located in here:


Reinstall itch!

Curious if that’s a windows ransomware protection thing

Deleted 226 days ago

I have a similar issue. When I extract from the zip file, all it shows in the executable. I can find the game directory folder, but it's in AppData>Roaming>YeahMaybe, so I'm not sure if I can add my own packs. Either way I would prefer all the game data to be in the same location as the executable. The solution you posted wouldn't work for me, I don't have the itch desktop app.

in game you can access the packs folder so yes, you can add your own packs, that's the whole meaning of this game

@YeahMaybe I've noticed that voice clips need to be de-amplified ahead of time by a good bit or else they come out sounding really scratchy and loud within the game. The clips I've used so far come out sounding perfectly fine in Audacity and various audio players on my PC with maxed-out volume but then proceed to sound really bad within CV. Wonder if there's any particular reason for this but just thought I'd let you know :)

And you're experiencing this issue in version 0.4.13, or 0.4.13b? One of the minor updates in 0.4.13b was the removal of a limiter that erroneously made loud audio crusty. If you're having this in 0.4.13b, then I'll have to look into it.

Good to hear it got updated so quickly! I've only been using the demo for the time being and previewing the audio through the customization menu. Is 0.4.13b only available via donation currently? I'm not seeing it listed anywhere here yet (even under the purchase options).

(2 edits) (+1)

I've just finished creating another pack, this time it's Donkey Kong 64 (Minus the rap for various reasons lol), available at:

Includes: 33 voice clips with matching pictures and subtitles for each one.

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"file you requested does not exist"

edit: thank you!

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I have no idea what’s going on with the link, but if you manually copy/paste it into a new tab then it ends up working fine?

EDIT: Turns out it was caused by highlighting and pasting a new link over the previous one when I originally made the comment, deleted the link entirely and pasted the new one and now it’s working again!

Is anyone else running into a problem with creating voice packs? I followed along with everything, but the game still says I have 0 voices in the pack. It reads the author and title files though, for some reason.

Just to confirm, is your pack within the folder structure: packs_voice > Folder “Name of pack” > WAV/MP3 files?


also i forgot to mention where did vinesauce get the voice packs from


Vinesauce is getting packs through the contact email on their website and I believe through their Discord as well. 

In response to your first question below, currently packs are either being distributed through the comments here or via any other links where people would post them (i.e. Reddit, Twitter, etc.). I don’t believe there’s any proper repository yet.


where can i get custom voice packs? i bought the game and i have no idea what to do


could you add a setting that's optimized for lower end computers

it's lagging for me and messing me up

(3 edits)

everything is delayed by 1 second and that makes the game completely unplayable unless you account for the delay manually by 1 second. it's completely unintuitive. REALLY hope this gets fixed as the game is great otherwise. I just LITERALLY can't play it.


I apologize for this. And you're right, the audio delay is a big issue. It's the next thing on my list to focus my attention to. I am only one person, and this is the first public release of the early access.

Part of the problem up to this point is that there's a baked-in audio delay of 0.13 seconds. With the current recorder/player, I can't change this value without breaking the entire thing (amateur move, I know). I have to rewrite it from scratch while keeping all its functionality with the rest of the game. It's not impossible, but it does take time. The goal is to have separate user-selectable delays both for the realtime recording, and for the dual-playback.

It just sucks when everyone else is accusing me of lying about it because I'm one of like 5 people having this issue apparently.

Somebody on Youtube noticed this delay and suggested the ability to slightly adjust the position of the waveform before going ahead with it. I think this seems to be a good suggestion.


I love the concept of the game and it seems like it would be a really useful voice training tool and party game, but it desperately needs a way to account for mic delay. Without it, it learning new voice clips is really difficult and frustrating.

Still, thank you for the time and effort you put in to make the game!


I Wish I Could Download This For Free


Toony's Meme Pack for The Choicer Voicer by thet00nedl00n (

Toony's Meme Pack for The Choicer Voicer is officially on!


i found a tip regarding the steelseries audio issue.

i disabled sonar, which is directional audio, and it still didnt work, that is because i also had a 5.1 stereo sound setting in Realtek Audio software.

Put your audio installation to Stereo on everything instead of surround and it will work. my guess is that the game just poo's his pants whenenever there are more than 2 audio channels. so yeah. since i disabled my realtek 5.1 audio setting, my steelseries GG works fine with the game. i hope this helps all future ppl with this issue. if you have a surround system at home just play/stream the game, and after that re-open whatever sound software you are using to put it back to 5.1.

hope this helped. i can't bother writing more details on this because i am 2 hours late for my stream because of troubleshooting this issue.

all hail vinesauce

Just to be clear, you're saying that the engine's ability to record audio fails when the audio output is 5.1 surround sound, yes? Is that completely detached from what kind of input device you use, or are there some mics that can/cannot function with that type of audio output?

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